Northside Homebrew Club
Mark, John, Jason, Brian and Larry attended. Carlos was our honored out of town guest.
Some "hunters sausage," not quite Landjaeger but pretty good. |
As it's Maifest season, Jason put together a plate of German coldcuts and made some warm German potato salad. Larry brought some homemade rye bread and mustard. John also brought some good brown Belgian chips.
Schlachtplatte. |
Next we had some "Procrastinator Bock," a Maibock style lager Jason made back in January. Malty and sweet, it has the kick of a proper Maibock. A good kit beer.
Two Saisons, one straw colored, one amber. |
We compared John and Alison's extract Saison with Jason's all-grain version, both from the same issue of Zymurgy.
Jason's is very pale, almost straw colored, with a slight tang. Not much head on it, except when poured into a full glass. Sour and alcoholy.
John and Alison's is a little less tart, fuller body, nicer head, and more amber in color. Both good, but different, examples of the style.
Jason's is very pale, almost straw colored, with a slight tang. Not much head on it, except when poured into a full glass. Sour and alcoholy.
John and Alison's is a little less tart, fuller body, nicer head, and more amber in color. Both good, but different, examples of the style.
(As these came from the same recipe, I wonder about the difference in color.)
For "dessert" we had a cherry Belgian ale from New Glarus that Mark brought. This is an excellent fruit beer. Reading the label it seems that we would need up to 25 lbs of cherries per 5 gallon batch of homebrew to make a similar beer.
A very cherry New Glarus ale. Apparently 25 lbs of cherries go into every 5 gallon batch! |
Gherkins und Senf |
We finished with some New Glarus Wheat that John brought. A great exmample of a proper Bavarian style wheat, a little cloudy, with nice banana flavor.
We discussed growing hops. (Jason's are coming in nicely; John is worried about his not sprouting yet.) We discussed names for the club again. Brian suggesting Chicago (or Northside) Keglers, in reference to both beer and bowling. (I like the idea, but my wife reminded me that Kegel is also the name of a certain type of exercise we might not want to inadvertently reference.) We also discussed Mark's current beer, an ale, which should be ready soon.
The next meeting should be Tuesday June 21. I will be out of town that day; Brian says he would like to host on a weekend. How about we do it Friday or Saturday, June 24 or 25? We could also think about having the meeting at one of the pubs, taverns, bowling alleys, or distillers we mentioned at past meetings.
The next meeting should be Tuesday June 21. I will be out of town that day; Brian says he would like to host on a weekend. How about we do it Friday or Saturday, June 24 or 25? We could also think about having the meeting at one of the pubs, taverns, bowling alleys, or distillers we mentioned at past meetings.
I expect to have a weissbier to share. Brewed it May 4, bottled it May18. I also expect to do another ale this month. And hopefully Mark will have an ale, and I think John and Alison are working on something as well.
Until next month!
Until next month!
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