"I work like I drink, alone! Or with a monkey watching me." - Krusty the Clown

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Two-Berry American Wheat BOTTLED

Bottled the Two Berry American Wheat tonight.  We lost power for a few minutes during bottling and I "lost" about two bottles into my overflow container, so I'm drinking it while I write this post.  Cheers!

The beer sat on the fruit for one week.  Activity in the overflow tube stopped after three days, and going on gut instinct I think it was time to bottle it.

(The final gravity was 1.012 at 67 degrees, down from the 1.014 a week ago, and 1.05 at start.  So the abv should be about 5.1%.  Pretty good!)

Thee beer is VERY dark - a good sign.  It smells like berries, tastes a little bit like a fruit beer, and has a good fruit aftertaste.  I can't wait for it to carbonate and chill.  I expect a good beer.

Brewing this beer is making me very nostalgic.  My grandparents had a mulberry tree in front of their house in Valley Stream, NY, and we kids used to play under the tree, and even eat the berries, in the summer.  My grandmother also kept a grape vine which she used for jelly, and my father made wine from the grapes a few times.

I guess I'm carrying on the tradition, as I used mulberries (2 lbs, collected over a few weeks) from a tree in my own front yard in Chicago.

Now to wait patiently while it bottle conditions.  Tomorrow I brew my all grain dry stout I'm planning for St. Patrick's Day, and next week I'll do an extract Bock I can lager a few months for, in time for Maifest!

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